> Una Europa

1. Eljas Oksanen, "Presenting the project", University of Helsinki

14 novembre 2023
Durée : 00:03:20
Nombre de vues 21
Nombre d’ajouts dans une liste de lecture 0
Nombre de favoris 0

Title of the project: DeepFIN and DigiNUMA

Led by Eljas Oksanen, a researcher at the Department of Cultures at the University of Helsinki, DeepFIN is a EU-funded project that focuses on the analysis of archaeological public findings collected by the Finnish Heritage Agency. These findings, despite their potential, have not been yet explored. By utilizing geographic information systems and other digital humanities methodologies, DeepFIN aims to delve into the deep history of archaeological landscapes, historical settlements, and the evolution of material culture, spanning from the Iron Age to the Middle Ages. As the project relies on crowdsource-generated data, it makes citizen participation a crucial aspect of its existence.

DeepFIN is supported by another project called DigiNUMA, which seeks to establish ontological infrastructure and a proof-of-concept data service model for harmonizing and opening national and international databases containing archaeological finds data from Finland, the UK, and the EU.

Project’s website: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/896044


Mots clés : archaeology citizen science cultural heritage patrimoine culturel science participative university of helsinki
