04/17 - Unilateral / Extraterritorial Sanctions - M. Kerbrat – Unilateral / extraterritorial sanctions as a challenge to the theory of jurisdiction
12 décembre 2019Unilateral / extraterritorial sanctions as a challenge to the theory of jurisdiction, Yann KERBRAT, Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne University
Unilateral / Extraterritorial Sanctions
12 & 13 December 2019 Paris
Concept and Program Charlotte BEAUCILLON, Law Professor, Lille University, Member of IREDIES
Conference Program
Thursday 12 December 2019
8h30-9h00 : Registration of Participants
9h00-9h30 : Welcoming Remarks and Introduction to the Conference, Christine NEAU-LEDUC, Vice-présidente, Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne University
9h30-11h00 : Mapping the Contemporary Practice of Unilateral/ Extraterritorial Sanctions
Chair : Tanguy STEHELIN, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
1. The massive recourse to unilateral sanctions in contemporary world politics, Erica MORET, Graduate Institute Geneva
2. Articulating UN measures with unilateral sanctions, Jean-Marc THOUVENIN, Paris Nanterre University (video)
3. Purely unilateral measures: the mapping issue, Pierre-Emmanuel DUPONT, PIL Advisory Group
11h30-13h00 : The Challenge of Unilateral / Extraterritorial Sanctions to Overarching Principles of International Law
Chair: Pierre BODEAU-LIVINEC, Paris Nanterre University
1. Unilateral / extraterritorial sanctions as a challenge to the theory of jurisdiction, Yann KERBRAT, Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne University
2. Unilateral / extraterritorial sanctions as a challenge to the principle of sovereign equality of States, Antonios TZANAKOPOULOS, Oxford University (video)
3. Unilateral / extraterritorial sanctions as a challenge to the law of international responsibility, Alexandra HOFER, Ghent University
14h30-16h00 : The Evolution of State Practice on Unilateral / Extraterritorial Sanctions from Strong Rejection to Partial Normalization
Chair: Evelyne LAGRANGE, Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne University
1. South Africa’s position and practice with regard to unilateral / extraterritorial sanctions, Hennie STRYDOM, University of Johannesburg
2. China’s position and practice with regard to unilateral / extraterritorial sanctions, Congyan CAI, Xiamen University
3. The EU’s position and practice with regard to unilateral / extraterritorial sanctions, Charlotte BEAUCILLON, Lille University
16h30-18h00: The Contemporary State Practice of Unilateral / Extraterritorial Sanctions from Activism to Helplessness
Chair: Nicola BONUCCI, Paul Hastings LLP
1. The United States’ position and practice with regard to unilateral / extraterritorial sanctions, Zachary GOLDMAN, Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP (video)
2. The flaws of contemporary blocking statutes and regulations, Daniel VENTURA, Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne University
3. Possible multilateral remedies remaining a dead letter: exploring leads at the WTO and the OECD.
Friday 13 December 2019
9h30-11h00 : Economic Operators’ Risk Mitigation Strategies and the Over-Implementation of Unilateral/Extraterritorial Sanctions
Chair: Régis BISMUTH, Sciences Po Paris
1. Economic operators risk mitigation strategies : the case of counter-proliferation unilateral / extraterritorial sanctions, Grégoire MALLARD, Graduate Institute Geneva
2. The fall of the ABLV bank: articulating anti money-laundering and unilateral/extraterritorial sanctions,Paulis ILJENKOVS, Latvian Financial Intelligence Unit
3. (Over)compliance processes with regard to unilateral / extraterritorial sanctions: is there a way out?, Emmanuel BREEN, Lettres Sorbonne University
11h30-13h00 : Defensive Strategies for Economic Actors: (Yet) Under-Exploited Human Rights Leads
Chair: Laurence BURGORGUE LARSEN, Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne University
1. Countering the adverse effects of unilateral / extraterritorial sanctions: from State’s populations to targeted individuals, Ioannis PREZAS, Pantheon Sorbonne University
2. Is there a human right to entrepreneurship?, Willem Bastiaan Van BOCKEL, Dutch Council of State
3. The right to be protected from criminal enforcement of extraterritorial sanctions (Huawei case), Muriel UBEDA SAILLARD, Lille University
14h00-15h30 : Defensive Strategies for Economic Actors: Business-Oriented Litigation Strategies
Chair: Arnaud DE NANTEUIL, Paris Est Créteil University
1. Resisting from the bench: an overview of French and UK courts’ jurisprudence on unilateral / extraterritorial sanctions, Marjorie EECKHOUDT, Lille University
2. An arbitral perspective on unilateral / extraterritorial sanctions litigation, Eric De BRABANDERE, Leiden University
3. Using international investment law as a protection against the adverse effects of unilateral / extraterritorial sanctions, Sabrina ROBERT CUENDET, Le Mans University
15h30 - 16 h00 : Concluding Remarks
Hervé ASCENSIO, Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne University
Concept and Program
Charlotte BEAUCILLON, Law Professor, Lille University
Administrative Contact
IREDIES, Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne University iredies@univ-paris1.fr
With gratitude for their support to
Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne University
IREDIES, Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne University
CRDP, Lille University
Co-Funders of The COMPLY Project
Mots clés : challenge extraterritorial jurisdiction sanctions theory unilateral
- Fadime Deli (fdeli)
- 28 mars 2020 00:02
- Conférence / colloque / séminaire
- Anglais