Francesca COLLA : Climate uninhabitability and forced evacuation...

5 décembre 2024
Durée : 00:16:20
Nombre de vues 6
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Francesca COLLA, Ph.D. candidate School of International Studies, University of Trento (Italy)
Climate uninhabitability and forced evacuation in the case of Barbuda: a critical analysis


Journée d’étude internationale / International Workshop
5 décembre 2024 / December 5, 2024
Campus Condorcet - Centre des colloques - Aubervilliers

Affiche - Programme



Les frontières du changement climatique : climat et droits migratoires / The Borders of Climate Change: Climate and Migration Rights
Modérateur/chair: Fabrice LANGROGNET, MIGRINTER, CNRS - CLIMIG project

Benjamin BOUDOU, Professor of Political Science, University of Rennes
Ecosovereigntism: The greening of the self-determination argument against immigration

Hélène BENVENISTE, Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Social Sciences, Stanford University (USA)
Simona CAPISANI, Assistant Professor in Environmental Philosophy Durham University (UK)
Governing climate migration: A right to a livable space in the Paris Agreement

Zoé BRIARD, Ph.D. candidate in Law - F.R.S.-F.N.R.S. scholar, Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium), Équipe droits et migrations (EDEM-CeDIE), Centre de recherche en science politique (CReSPo)
The respect of human rights in processes of planned relocations as adaptation strategy to climate change: Exploring the links between planned relocations, buyouts and expropriation

Questions de la salle : Les frontières du changement climatique

Climat, migration et genre / Climate, Migration and Gender
Modératrice/chair: Katti MILLOCK, PSE, CLIMIG project

Francesca ROSIGNOLI, Associate Researcher in Law at CEDET, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Catalonia (Spain)
Advancing policy avenues for addressing vulnerabilities by gender in climate change migration and displacement

Lore VAN PRAG, Assistant Professor of Sociology – Erasmus, University of Rotterdam, Netherlands and University of Antwerp (Belgium)
Loubna OU-SALAH, Postdoctoral Researcher in sociology, University of Antwerp (Belgium)
« Make sure I can come! » Gendered dynamics in Moroccan transnational migrant networks in Tenerife: Environmental concerns, engagement and remittances

Juliette DANFAKHA, Postdoctoral Researcher in anthropology, Laboratoire d’Anthropologie des Enjeux Contemporains, Lyon-2 University
« Je n’ai pas de terre là-bas qui soit mon chez-moi ». Expressions indigènes genrées des changements climatiques depuis San Juan Cancuc jusque Mexico

Lorenzo ALUNNI, Researcher University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy, Department of Human Sciences for Education, Fellow of the Institut Convergences Migrations
Embodiment in times of climate change

Questions de la salle : Climat, migration et genre / Climate, Migration and Gender

Clara JULLIEN, Ph.D. candidate Géographie-cités – Research unit ART-Dev, University Paris-1 Panthéon-Sorbonne - CLIMIG Project
Presentation of the photo exhibition

Changement climatique et (im)mobilités en Afrique / Climate Change and Im(mobilities) in Africa
Modératrice/chair: Maëlys de la RUPELLE, THEMA, CY Cergy Paris Université - CLIMIG project

Eric GYAMPOH, Researcher in Migration Studies, University College of Management Studies, Accra (Ghana)
Urban-rural migration as a livelihood adaptation strategy against climate change: Experiences of migrant farmers in Mangoase, Akwapim North Municipality, E/R, Ghana

Laurent BEDUNEAU-WANG, Assistant Professor of Strategy, Organization and Business History at Africa - Business School, Mohammed-VI Polytechnic University (Morocco), Associate Researcher at UMR G-EAU, Montpellier
Multi-centennial effective traditions to cope with youth migration and climate change in the South of Morocco

Isaac OLUWATAYO, Professor of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness University of Venda, Thohoyandou, South Africa
Climate-change-induced conflicts in rural Nigeria: Experience from herder-arable crop farmers in selected rural communities of Ekiti State

Joseph INYAMA, Ph.D. candidate in Geography - Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands, Research Fellow at the Center for Migration Studies, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka (Nigeria)
Voluntary and involuntary immobility in the context of climate change: The role of community attachment and mobility constraints in Nigeria

La gouvernance locale à l'épreuve des risques climatiques : études de cas en territoires insulaires / Local Governance and Climate-Related Risks: Case Studies in Island Territories
Modératrice/chair: Lio ANDO-BOURGUET, Ph.D. candidate in geography – Centre d’études en sciences sociales sur les mondes africains, américains et asiatiques (CESSMA), University of Paris

Laurent GIACOBBI, Member of the Patrimoine Histoire, Esclavages, Environnement, Atlantique, Caraïbe (PHEEAC), University of the Antilles, Associate Researcher at the Institut des relations internationales et stratégiques (IRIS)
Les migrations dans la Caraïbe insulaire au prisme du dérèglement climatique, entre défis humanitaires et enjeux sécuritaires

Francesca COLLA, Ph.D. candidate School of International Studies, University of Trento (Italy)
Climate uninhabitability and forced evacuation in the case of Barbuda: a critical analysis

K.M.S. TAREQ, Ph.D. candidate Commonwealth Scholar in Law SOAS, University of London – Former Associate Professor of Law University of Rajshahi (Bangladesh)
Regional solutions of ‘regional’ problems: Emergence and (in)effectiveness of climate mobility governance in Africa, the Caribbean, and the Pacific

Nishara FERNANDO, Professor of Sociology, University of Colombo (Sri Lanka)
Habitable for some and not for all: Tsunami, displacement, long-term impact of forced internal migration into relocation sites and return. A case of Sri Lanka

Questions de la salle : La gouvernance locale à l'épreuve des risques climatiques

Jean-Marc GOUDET, Ceped, Inserm - CLIMIG project

(Captation et montage des vidéos par Fadime DELI - Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)

Mots clés : changement climatique climat et droits migratoires climat, migration et genre migrations et climats risques climatiques
